I apologize if this entry isn't all that long. I'm not feeing well, but I feel the urge to tell somebody to "hold on." I was taught in school that life and times are like a pendulum; that even though it seems things are only ever going to swing one way-and it seems that way is usually against us- that they have to turn like the tides and swing the other way in our favor. I am SO living this right now.
I prayed months ago for God to reveal my purpose to me- to show me the bigger picture of my life and i believe it's beginning to take shape. As I've written words to these posts and posts for other wonderful sites and bloggers...my heart has begun to shift and change. I can still have a temper and a low tolerance for stupid,lol, but I feel more mellow. I am facing in the coming months major oral surgery to yank my wisdom teeth,remove 3 baby teeth that never came out,braces and the pulling down of impacted adult teeth. I fear sedation,pain,looking ridiculous at 30 and the overwhelming financial hardship this is going to put on us.
But my God is bigger and He loves me.
I'm also feeling it's time for us to move again; we've outgrown this house and prayed for a year now about what to do. I need my mother and my husband and I desperately need a night or 2 out alone..we haven't had one in years.We are barely making it as it is and from the viewpoint of a 3rd party all we can do about this is dream.
I say I can pray.
I have a home picked out just 10 minutes from Grammie, 2 hours from here.... and prayed over it...now it's a matter of God getting us in there. Or wherever He wants us is fine with me.